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Mille World SEO Case Study


Mille World is a Dubai-based online publication focusing on Arabs’ culture, celebrities and events.


All online publications face a steady traffic challenge: Most of the published posts are trending topics that will only drive temporary traffic, which will vanish once the event/trend is finished.

Our approach

We’ve been making extensive keyword research to find evergreen keywords/topics that will bring consistent organic traffic, and are relevant to the brand and editorial line.

The editorial team then will cover the approved topics following our SEO content writing and keyword usage recommendations.

The results

Following implementing the changes, the website generated a 80% increase in organic visitors.

How can we help you?

We create modern, useful and functional web experiences

Web Design

Communicate your mission via custom designs built around your brand

Web Development

Welcome your online visitors with fast, responsive and secure websites


Be found on relevant search results for your offered services and products

Strategies That Deliver

ABCeez Digital proved themselves since they started working with us. They maintained the marketing of the company in an impeccable way but also being unconditionally responsible and committed. You can challenge them with complicated campaigns and expect the best results.
Jaime Manteiga
Founder, Venkon Corp.

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